Amra shobai raja amader ei rajar rajottey..
Noile moder rajar shoney milbo ki shottey..
Amra shobai raja…
Amra ja khushi tai kori..
tobu tar khushitei chori..
Amra noi baadha noi tasher rajar trasher dashottey..
Noile moder rajar shoney milbo ki shottey..
Amra shobai raja…
Raja shobarey den maan,
She maan aapni phire paan,
Moder khottow kore rakheni keu
Kono awshottey..
Noile moder rajar shoney milbo ki shottey..
Amra shobai raja…
Amra cholbo apon mote..
Sheshe milbo tari pothe..
Mora morbo na keu bipholotar bishom aabortey..
Noile moder rajar shoney milbo ki shottey..
Amra shobai raja…
(Lyrics by Saubhik Mondal)
Singer- Suchitra mitra
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